Let’s take a closer look.
It’s simple, we save you time and money while keeping you compliant.
CrossChecks streamlines your planning and admin processes – saving you time and freeing up valuable resources to focus on what is most important in a successful business – the bottom line.
A truly unique product, CrossChecks has achieved the seemingly impossible by being both an effective business management tool and a total compliance guru.
It’s time to step out of the filing room and into the future.
Let the Statistics speak for themselves
Flight ops & Compliance Management

Flight Ops & compliance Management
Ensure safe, efficient and compliant flight operations with integrated modules for flight planning, personnel, aircraft, asset and maintenance management, including automated QA and compliance monitoring, real-time communication and safety reporting.

Operational Control & Compliance management
Managing flight operations and achieving operational control has never been simpler.
Pre-defined and customisable document upload and expiry tracking throughout the system.
Advanced expiry alerts and notifications.
With multi-level integrated QA, CrossChecks ensures that you never fly with missing or expired documentation.
The dashboard includes a pilot and aircraft status board, alerts for new notices as well as other important and useful information.
Intra-company notices for instant communication with personnel and pilots.
Automated and manual assignment of no-fly statuses to both aircraft and personnel.
Select from pre-loaded operational and aircraft checklists or customise your own.
CrossChecks strategically incorporates Quality Assurance & Safety Management into everyday workflows to ensure documentation is always complete and operations stay within approved parameters.

Personnel & Teams Management
Storage and tracking of licences, certificates, ratings, training or any other records, accessed instantly from one place.

Allocate CrossChecks user permissions to control access and functionality within the system.
Assign operational specific pilot approvals.
Automatically generated pilot logbooks.
Create teams and assign personnel, aircraft and assets to them to manage and group task-specific operations.
- A notice board with intra-Company communication, including Safety & RedTag Notices.

Aircraft & Asset Management
Store, manage and track all aircraft, batteries and ancillary equipment, including basic maintenance management features.

Unlimited document and expiry tracking.
Automatically generated flight folios and battery logs.
DJI auto-sync capabilities.
Select from our pe-loaded aircraft checklists or customise your own.
Track dates and flight hours for scheduled maintenance, with automated no-fly status allocation to ensure maintenance intervals are never exceeded.
Report defects and capture rectification actions and repairs, which are automatically recorded in aircraft flight folios.
For more advanced features – CrossChecks for Maintenance functions as a fully integrated maintenance module for UAS operations, facilitating highly robust maintenance procedures.

Plan & Fly
Created by pilots for pilots, CrossChecks plan and fly offers a fast and efficient online flight planning platform, with pre-defined workflows that facilitate both efficiency and compliance.

Pilots store and access all information from one place.
Interactive map, including airspace information.
Automated weather and NOTAMS.
Risk assessment workflow to simply identify and mitigate hazards.
With the drag-and-drop feature, files are easily uploaded, and flight packs are automatically stored with all supporting documentation.
KML import functionality.
Create approved missions that pilots can clone to reduce errors.
Automated emergency contact information added and available on site.
Checklists for all phases of flight, completed and signed electronically.
Integrated QA at key phases of the workflow to serve as gatekeepers for compliance.
Automated processes to update flight folios, battery logs, pilot logbooks and mission reports.
iOS and Android Mobile App available for offline mission execution when there’s no signal.

Reporting & Data Management
Reporting functionality means instant and accurate access to data to facilitate better decision making and analyse performance, assist with client billing and much more!

- Customisable reporting and tracking of data.
Data export to CSV functionality.
Data and statistics to enable proactive management and strategic planning.
Quality & safety management

Quality & Safety Management
As a stand-alone audit module for any aviation organisation, or as a fully integrated Quality & Safety system to your CrossChecks OS, CrossChecks QMS/SMS is guaranteed to lighten your workload!

Quality Management
Achieve total compliance effortlessly with integrated QA, and a robust Quality Management System.

Effortless planning and scheduling of QMS activities.
Create and complete quality audit checklist electronically.
Automated processes for non-compliance and corrective action reporting and tracking.
The Non-Compliance Register, with reporting filters, monitors trends and tracks corrective actions for efficient compliance management.
Track quality objectives and indicators.
Document control, including tagging, storage and version control.
Defined QMS workflows facilitate continuous improvement consistency.
Comprehensive management of change functionality.
Assign and track follow-up actions to make sure nothing is ever overlooked.
Close the loop with processes for continuous improvement and review of quality and safety performance.
Simple meeting management system to plan, schedule, create agendas, record and distribute minutes and assign and track follow-ups effortlessly.
Assign and track follow-up actions to make sure nothing is ever overlooked

Safety Management
Enhance robustness with our ICAO Annex 19 compliant safety management platform.

All safety data stored and accessed from one place.
Define and track safety performance indicators.
Plan and schedule all activities relating to quality and safety, including audits, meetings, training, reviews and more.
Simple hazard reporting platform to report, investigate, mitigate, and assign and track corrective actions.
Automated Hazard Log and Non-Compliance register to effectively track and monitor hazards, incidents, accidents and non-compliances within the Organisation, including filters to easily identify trends and monitor safety and quality performance.
Comprehensive Management of Change (MOC) workflow to systematically assess, document, and implement changes within your Organisation.
Plan, schedule and document safety meetings and training, distribute agendas and assign and track follow-ups.
Simple meeting management system to plan, schedule, create agendas, record and distribute minutes and assign and track follow-ups effortlessly.
One-click access to an ERP with customisable workflows, guiding personnel seamlessly through emergency events.
Red-tag system, with mandatory read alerts and tracking.
Maintenance management

Maintenance Management
As a fully integrated maintenance management system, CrossChecks for Maintenance ensures compliance.

Track flight time and maintenance expiries.
Eliminate errors with online checklists and streamlined record-keeping.
Report defects and assign fly/no-fly status to aircraft and batteries.
Create, assign and track maintenance job cards with automated job number allocation.
Issue automated service releases and record maintenance activities, including maintenance registers and logbooks.
Track part replacements and monitor trends for better maintenance insights
Coming Soon
We believe in continuous improvement and the CrossChecks team is already in the process of adding modules to include a document hub, AOC and ATO and Training Solutions and so much more. Changes in legislation and new requirements that affect the way you do things will be updated on the system without delay and we will constantly work towards the Unicorn – one programme that does it all.
Where we're Going
We are always growing and developing new features. Here’s a sneak peek at our plans for the future.
Dec 2021
iOS and Android app for mission control completed
November 2022
Fully integrated Quality and Safety Modules
July 2023
Automatically generated Pilot logbooks
January 2024
Maintenance Tracking Module
Internal Direct Messaging
Compliance with categorisation and sora
OPening up the platform to the rest of africa
Document Hub & Library
Additional modules to include manned aviation and small to medium AOC’s
Modify for the
International Market
Suggest a Feature
Got some suggestions or features you’d like to see? Send them to us.